This is a story which started 4 years ago. About two girls who met wanting to make some freak scenary movie ) They were only fourteen then, the world was still coloured pink, candies could still make them smile and reality was far down on that time. They grew up together – the most difficult test a friendship can have.They both made mistakes.They didn’t talk to each other for an year...sometimes that distance is still there between us. Memories can’t be erased, all we can do is make new ones. Happier ones. Oneday she wrote me a childish poem. I still have it. I love that poem. You can find there all the innocence of the specific age, the one you will never get back again... You can see the rainbow through her words. Someone told me she’d give years of her life to have it back. I lost it 2 on the way, but don’t worry „it’s in the ABC of growing up”.
We may didn’t share the same room, or make up ourselves together, or drink beer on the beach, or playing on the swings.. But that doesn’t mean i love you less. Or that i wouldn’t miss you/missed ya. I love you, and nothing will ever change that. And forever is a strong word. .who knew.So..Happy birthday you silly girl >:D<
*im sorry for the bubbling..and i usually mistake/exchange without noticing the persons with the heroes of the 2 sleepy..well, let’s hope for happy end ^.^
Update: She's stupid. She's crying on her birthday :| Grr.You're 18 bah, grown up things, u know, responsabilty, blah blah, u can't cry for stupid things anymore :| Kidding, of course. Kid. <3

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