To Fall in Love and Fall in Debt

"To alcohol and cigarettes 

And Mary Jane 

To keep me insane

Doing someone else's cocaine"


[And i really couldn't care less]

"Lordy, Lordy, Lordy I can't help it i like to party it's genetic. It's electrifying

You might need a break from the real life [Get a life!]"

"Delfin luminã orizont liniste furtunã despãrtire somn

Albastru cersetor destin rãtãcire suflet coroanã chin

Uitare lacrimã copil obosealã tremur prevestire har

Speranþã judecatã scrum asteptare zâmbet credintã drum

Desertaciune stele foc întuneric înger nemurire nimic

Cãlãtorie univers moleculã dor infinïiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"

So, I'm not gonna say  Happy b-day for you eighteen, 'cuz i want u 2 to stay like this forever. Congrats for your never ending 17, Miri and Gabitza <


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