Kiddie play
Did i tell you how much i love you?
<------------------------thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much ---------------------------->
"And i feel like i'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause this words are my diary screaming all out
And i know that you'll use them however you want to"
"What are you doing?" The man asked, while the girl from his lap was drawing on his face with her little fingers.
"Are you memorizing me by heart?"
"I already know you by heart" the girl replied, trying to smile, still concentrated on walking around her finger.
This was supposed to be a goodbye scene but in fact, they never said goodbye.
„There are things we can't recall, blind as night that finds us all
Winter tucks her children in, her fragile china dolls „
I hope that when you'll read this, it will kindle you heart and put a smile on your face.With every single played key, i fall deeper and deeper in old, never fulfilled dreams. With every key played and a little more, i can finally be who i wanted to be, long, long time ago..bury a red rose in the snow, play and make pretty angels. Forget about hating, paint the world in shades of blue and leave my own traces in the sand. The one that the sea won’t erase. My street will stop being just a street and some trees; it will become my whole universe again. If only some biscuits could make me little enough to enter on that door..i’d get my innocence back.A baby sleeps in all our bones, so scared to be alone.
Am ajuns eu in cabinet, in speranta ca voi ramane destul demult incat sa nu fiu nevoita sa ma intorc la ora. Consiliera este foarte simpatica si m-a pus sa desenez un pom. L'am mazgalit :-s:)) :"> apoi ea s'a holbat la el si a inceput sa'mi faca caracterizarea :|
Here i go. Mi'a spus ca sunt o persoana analitica [deoarece aveam foarte multe ramurele si frunze], cu aspiratii foarte mari dar care nu are suficienta incredere de sine. [i'm working on it ok? 8-|].. A mai spus ca am nevoie de afectiune si de apreciere si dupa m'a intrebat daca parintii ma lauda acasa :| Like, wtf :|
I'am raspuns ca nu. Din asta a tras ea concluzia ca defapt aspiratiile mele sunt atat de mari deoarece inconstient incerc sa ii multumesc pe ei o.O Uh, tha's something. A fost dragut..sau sunt eu usor de impresionat. I mean, nici macar nu ma cunoaste :-s
Apoi m'am pus pe covor cu colegii si ne'am jucat cu bilute, soldatei si zaruri.
Uhm, inca nu a mentionat nimic despre problemele mele psihice :-s=)) Abea astept urmatoarea ora de geografie :D
Acesta este un post dedicat prietenului meu Cham-Cham. V'am spus ca detest economia? E aproape draguta si o intelegi, pana lipsesti la o singura ora si apoi te uiti n X la aplicatiile astea ciudate. :|
Probabil va intrebati ce legatura ar putea avea cineva pe care il cheama Cham-Cham cu economia. Pai, voi nu stiti, dar prietenul meu Cham este un geniu si stie orice xD Vorbesc serios cand zic orice. :-? Siii imi explica bine. Dar mie tot nu imi place. Nu mai vreau la skul.
Ma intreb cum de cei care au terminat Madgearu sunt inca intregi la cap. Eu mai am aprox 3 ore de dormit. Si inca citesc aplicatii, dar simteam nevoia sa va impartasesc problemele mele existentiale.
Revenind la Cham Cham. Eu il tachinez ca e pokemon uneori sa stiti. Dar imi indreapta parul cu placa cand ma duc la el. Nu ca'i paradox? E girly si f smart. I don't get it, really. :| stie o tona de chestii despre muzica. Ffff multe.. Siii face din orice o conotatie :)) mostly e funny, atata timp cat nu sunt eu prea antisociala in ziua respectiva :)) Siiii m'a molipsit :| Sau poate asa eram eu :| Dunno :-s Glume stupide, atata timp cat nu o dam in interpretari paranoice si SF-uri o.O
Una peste alta, a fost o zi draguta si nu mai fusesem demult in Cassablanca <3Au inceput sa le cada tapetul de pe pereti btw :)) Eu inca nu imi termin prajiturile.I'm working on it. Defapt, ultimele zile/nopti au fost dragute..mai mult inceput de primvara decat toamna tarzie.Arw m-a invatat sa gatesc si nici nu am dat foc la casa, Simo era drunky-happy si era fascinata de stixuri. Trip s'a tuns, Milly e intr'o trupa, eu sunt mostly happy iar acum spun chestii fara sens. Imi schimb starile usor, ma deconectez uneori iar capacitatea mea de a socializa sau de a ma increde in cineva este mai mica decat acum ceva vreme.Uneori gandesc prea mult dar nu prea imi dau voie sa o fac. Aseara, de la un concert in Fire am ajuns in companie ciocolatei cu menta uitandu'ma la un film.Defapt, am ajuns dorindu'mi sa dispar dar nu asta e ideea. Nu mai vreau sa fumez, mi'e dor de tata si mi se pare ca au trecut ani de la ultima vara..Nu ma mai intristez dar nici nu mai dau vina pe nimeni pentru greselile mele; si din toate, am ramas cu un singur regret.Btw, i'm looking for a part-time job and Chami helped me to send mails to all the skate-shops from the town :D. Isnt he great?
Cum am ajuns sa aberez atat pornind de la economie?! [Acum Cham o sa zica "verbul "a abera" nu exista" ]
Ps:Ah, si Liviu m'a invatat sa pun videoclipuri si pe Blogspot. Nu merge ca pe wordpress :( Multumeeesc >:D<
And don't you take it so hard now, don't you take it so bad. I'll still be thinking of you and the times we had. And please remember that i've never lied. And please remember how i've felt inside now honey..U'll feel better tomorrow..
*Her name is Renesmee. Please give me some pretty coloured ink for Christmas..the one i have sucks.
Dark walls surround me and i don’t know where i am anymore. The little mirrors still flows in the air though. Well, it’s not the first time i get lost anywayz since that’s one of my best qualities, you know. I’m really sure i could actually figure out how to get out of here, if some crazy rabbit late for tea wouldn’t have kidnapped me in it’s psycho world. I can’t say i don’t like it here though, it’s greenish, and there are really pretty dandelions everywhere i look. Those freak pieces just faded away i guess.
You all know who tried to kill Alice.
The glass it’s back. It’s still reflecting anywhere, but please tell me i’m not myself. I really don’t like that evil smile..It can’t be me, right? I can breath without no backup, so much stuff I have to understand. For any step and every walk, any town of any thought, I need no guide. I so don’t wanna be that reflection. Fury gets out through all my skin, I can’t control it and the glass will break once more. Fuck. It’s still there.
I’ve passed negation. Those poisoning lessons made their job, i can’t turn back the time and i definately won’t lie to myself. I'd say thanks for waking me up, but i'm afraid i'll break your image about what an ungrateful bastard i am.
I’ll still try to find another piece, this is notMyMirror.
-911 Urgente buna ziua!
-Da, buna ziua. E cineva aici care moare... cred. De fapt are doar atac de cord. Nu e chiar atat de grav nu? Dar nu mai are mult presupun...
-Ce s-a intamplat? Apasati pe piept!!!
Il cunoasteti? Are alergie la ceva? Ne indreptam intr-acolo, spuneti-ne unde va aflati.
-Ah, nu pot. Tocmai imi vine masina. Daca calc peste se pune ca apasat? Oricum, se afla in statie la unirii, e multa lume in jur o sa-l gasiti repede. Acum, despre cunoscut..Din punct de vedere psihologic sunt mai multe niveluri de cunoastere stiti, nu as putea fi sigura, tehnic vorbind..
-Beep, beep, beep
-Alo?! Eh,poate ca da.
Run away down to the street and hide yourself silly and the embrace of a fluffy thing.
Little girl, little girl your life is calling
Little girl, little girl you dirty liar.You're just a junkie preaching to the choir
7:00 AM News of the day! A man was found dead drown in its own blood with the door wide open. The neighboords say that he was an alchoolic so he probably comited sucide for feeling guilty, since some are suspecting he killed his wife ten years ago. Stil, there are a child’s traces of blood can’t be explained. We’ll keep you informed as soon as we’ll have more details.
The traces of blood always follow you the mascara tears
[i need to make a cigarette's smoke dance on Muse's song.Resistance.No, im not proud about it.]
Some people just don't derserve having children. This doesn't belong to me, i just agree with it. I think that eight years old kids are smarter than i am. Offtopic, i know. My thoughts change pretty fast right now. In fact, the only difference between us is that kids are able to forgive. Just like the only good thing in being empty is thatyou can't be dissapointed when you have no expectations. :))
We may didn’t share the same room, or make up ourselves together, or drink beer on the beach, or playing on the swings.. But that doesn’t mean i love you less. Or that i wouldn’t miss you/missed ya. I love you, and nothing will ever change that. And forever is a strong word. .who knew.So..Happy birthday you silly girl >:D<
*im sorry for the bubbling..and i usually mistake/exchange without noticing the persons with the heroes of the 2 sleepy..well, let’s hope for happy end ^.^
Update: She's stupid. She's crying on her birthday :| Grr.You're 18 bah, grown up things, u know, responsabilty, blah blah, u can't cry for stupid things anymore :| Kidding, of course. Kid. <3
Why did u leave the park alone now? i know it's kinda dark and cold but did u forget the time when it was hiding you under its trees when you were escaping classes? And there are pretty raindrops on its leaves...u ungrateful bastards!!! :-l
*Nu radeti prea tare, chestia asta mi'a venit in cap pe la 7 dimineata, despre parculetul din preajma liceului. Stiti, chiar si dimineata, mereu este cel putin un grup.
Ah, da. Cel mai adorabil sign primit ever. Chiar si fara inimioara completa :)))) <3
"-Nu exista influenta pozitiva, domnule Gray. Toate influentele sunt imorale - imorale din punct de vedere stiintific.
-De ce?
-Pentru ca a avea o influenta asupra unei persoane inseamna sa'ti oferi propriul suflet. Acea persoana nu mai are propriile ganduri si nu se mai inflacareaza de propriile pasiuni. Virtutile sale nu'i mai apartin. Pacatele sale, daca exista asa ceva, sunt imprumutate. El devine ecoul muzicii altcuiva, un actor care interpreteaza un rol ce n'a fost scris pentru el. Scopul vietii este perfectionarea personala. Implinirea desevarsita a propriei firi - acesta este motivul pentru care fiecare din noi traieste pe acest pamant. Oamenii se tem de ei insasi in ziua de azi. Au uitat de cea mai inalta indatorire, de indatorirea pe care o are fata de sine insusi. Bineinteles ca oamenii au suflet caritabil. Ii hranesc pe cei infometati si-i imbraca pe cersetori. Dar propiile lor suflete sunt infometate si dezgolite. Oamenilor le lipseste curajul. Poate ca nu l-am avut niciodata. Groaza de societate, care constituie baza eticii, spaima de Dumnezeu, care constituie secretul religiei - acestea sunt cele doua lucruri care ne guverneaza. Si totusi daca un singur om si'ar trai viata pe deplin, daca ar da glas fiecareu simtiri, daca si'ar exprima fiecare gand si ar conferi realitate fiecarui vis..."
Oscar Wilde - Portretul lui Dorian Gray
Unii ar spune probabil ca dependenta este consecinta a complexelor de inferioritate. Sau pentru ca ne este frica sa fim singuri.Oricum ar fi, e destul de greu sa stabilesti limite si este necesar un anumit nivel de constienta pentru asta. La fel de greu cum e sa iti dai seama daca ai facut'o pentru tine sau pentru altcineva, pentru ca aveai doar nevoie de profesori sau pentru ca era mai comod? Poate vroiai sa pleci putin din viata ta momentan confuza si te'ai pierdut in a altcuiva. Ai uitat drumul spre casa si ti'a fost frica sa te intorci; pana ai ramas singur in strada.Nu se aplica in multe cazuri totusi, dar pentru asta exista asa numitul proces de invatare din greseli. Unii copii invata sa mearga mai greu, altii, desi stiu, inca cauta sa ii tina cineva de mana cand traverseaza strada.
Sa inveti din/si sa traiesti cu ele.
Posted in
1 an,
black hole,
guano apes,
head bang oO,
-tks guys<3>
"they knew better, still u said forever.and ever..who knew?"
"If you read this line, remember not the hand that wrote it
Remember only the verse, songmaker`s cry, the one without tears
For I`ve given this its strength and it has become my only strength.
Comforting home, mother`s lap, chance for immortality
Where being wanted became a thrill I never knew
The sweet piano writing down my life"
"Teach me passion for I fear it`s gone
Show me love, hold the lorn
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me
I`m sorry
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you
And you... I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore..."
Her curls were laughing as she ran through the alley on her way home and the ill wannes almost dissapeared from her cheeks. The girl didn’t seem to have more than five before u’d look her in the eyes. Her dress was all wet because of the rain but that could wait, she was too incited to show the picture she found.
The shouts make her stop in the door, while hundreds of shivers traveled her body and hurting her ears. The raindrops fell on the floor but they were not aware she could hear. She’d want to tell him she’s sorry, but for change she only receives the rain of not-supposed-to-be-known blames and unspoken regrets that start making circles in her mind.People shouldnt make decisions with tears in their eyes, she thought, but she knows she wont be forgiven.She doesn’t really understand for what, but there must be something wrong she did. The fallen picture from her hands made them aware she was listening. She’s paralised with fear, can’t say a word.She knows what’s coming next. She also knows she has to keep her mouth shut, or it will hurt worse. This time no tear fell from her eyes, it actually felt the right thing.
Back in the swing set, she looks once more to her clown doll. Probably he’ll die with her.His huge smile still covers a big part of his face, but his look is different. He thinks she’s guilty too.Her own hands hit her head over and over again with all the strengh she found.So hard that the tears came up in a flash of second sparkling on the earth and making it spin. It felt even more right now. The blood was flooding her little shoes and everything got glows.just flowing, as inexpressive as empty hearts and broken dolls. Next to her, the wind was carrying an old blood-spoted photograph.
And then she came.Pengu's colors were brighter than ever.
Cruzimea sinceritatii inselate este inceputul sfarsitului..
Parcul era gol cu exceptia a doi straini ce stateau pe aceeasi banca si isi daruiau priviri involuntare pe ascuns.Totul incepe cu o privire. Iar privirea, rareori poate fi controlata. Dialogul incepu cu firimituri puerile pe alocuri, jocuri si cer senin iar totul actioneaza in favoarea ta. Trecerea timpului isi pierde noima, orele se fractioneaza in secunde si nici nu ai apucat sa te bucuri de apus. Lumina difuza te trezeste putin din reveire. Faci un pas inapoi si il privesti.Leaganu scartie dar nu iti amintesti daca v’ati dat in el, in schimb gasesti in ochii lui intelegerea a tot ceea ce ti se pare nou si nu intelegi.Iar acum,e prea tarziu sa te opui.Atinsesera momentul in care incep extazul si visarea, in care emotia este esenta universului, iar materia este doar o coincidenta ghinionista.In luv with ur own tragedy.
"You're my little chemical blow
On a short stop to the rainbow
And drops of cinammon
On dreadful days
A game of praying on
People as prays.
You're a little prayer
In the middle of night
You're a little scares sometimes
Close as the bight of a fright
A bit of lighting wind
A dash of molten heart
A little bit of kindness
A lot of love-pressed taunt.
You're a small offering
As ambrosia is to gods
A little cut in my stone
A corner in my soul-blown
Fully potential unknown.
You're what doesn't make sense
Before the end of the day
You're what makes ppl dance
At the start of a day
You're the morning in bright lights
A little happy day.
You make my days shine sunny <3"
Ralphie are chef de joaca, sorry de efect intarziaaaat ^.^ here i go:
CE INSEAMNA AZI PENTRU MINE: un nou apus de soare
DAR IERI?: gramezi de amintiri [ne]uitate
UNDE VOI FII MAINE: departe si tot aici
CE IUBESC CEL MAI MULT: un hamster,prietenii, marea,ciocolata,primavara, pinguinii, lucrurile mici colorate, norii [par pufosi], muzica, 2 felicitari [<3] etc
CINE MI-A SCHIMBAT VIATA, CEL MAI RECENT: tu ;)) persoanele care iti schimba cu adevarat viata sunt cele la care te astepti cel mai putin ^.^ [read "The five people you meet in heaven"]
AZI MA SIMT: ciufulita :|
AM PIERDUT: 2 important friends
AM CASTIGAT: jucarii la Happy Meal :D
ZAMBESC: prea des. :|
Ai fost vreodata in mijlocul multimii de la metrou ?. sunt grabitzi si vin toti spre tine.Nu vor sa te vada, vrei sa mergi inainte dar ei nu te lasa.Te clatini si iti pierzi echlibrul. This is not the way i want my story end. Falling.And if i let myself go i’m the only one to blame.
Panica se imparte in aburi de caldura pe care te inchinui sa ii inspiri.Si ustura inauntru, déjà stii ce va urma. Nu stie daca sunt lacrimi pe fata ei sau picaturi ce se scurg din suvitele umede. Aburul inca o inneaca iar acum a vazut ca picura sange.Nu isi amineste de ce, nu stie daca s’a zgariat. Nu-i nimic,in curand se va cicatriza iar semnul ii va aminti sa fie mai atenta data viitoare. » De ce minti ?! Mai are vreo doua semne si tot nu au ajutat la nimic. Stii ca se va avanta din nou in iluzii amagitoare ca si prima data iar intr’o zi semnele nu vor mai avea loc.Cocori cu aripi retezate vor zbura deasupra ei iar tabloul se va destrama in picaje de pasteluri innorate.Tu nu vezi ca te intorci mereu plangand ?! Nu incerca sa’mi zambesti si la dracu inceteaza sa ma mai privesti asa !! EH, nu’mi lasi alta optiune ». Si nu a mai ramas decat un iris privind in gol.
Astazi aproape a ras. A mancat vata dulce din floricele sarate, a ratacit in viteza pe alei si s’a impiedicat iar de bete. Doar in drumul spre casa a fost singura asa ca s’a concentrat pe tot ce inseamna « viata » in jurul ei. Punga unei doamne fosnea, se auzea muzica in surdina din castile unei adolescente iar franturi de discutii armonizau sunetele dirijate de tacerea mea.A fost o melodie frumoasa, tks guys. <3
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cute memories,
too many e/ands
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