Reflections of two months of blue skyline

"- want you in the morning

 - but let you sleep in for a while

 - tell you how much I love 

 -your eyes..

 -your lips

 - your neck 

 - be sorry when I'm wrong

 - and happy..when you forgive me.

 - look at your photos

 - wish I'd known you forever

  - feel your skin

 - on my skin. and hug you when you're anxious

- and hold you when you're hurt

- and get cold when you take the blanket

- and hot when you don't

- and melt when you smile

- and dissolve when you laugh"

Wish I'd known you forever.



Leapsa [updated]

Si pentru ca nu am mai scris de atata timp [sau mai exact, nu am mai postat ] simt nevoia sa "updataez" o leapsa de anul trecut, pe care o reciteam mai devreme. [compare if you want ^.^ ].  3 cuvinte care sa ma descrie de la 10 persoane, here I go xD :

Achi: My Best Friend

Bogdan: Sweet, tiny, naive [nd of course, AWSOME :">]

Trip: Rece, ingrijoratoare, matura

Ruxy: Scumpa, curioasa, kitty

Tanita: blue, unusual-beauty, copil

Alin: kinky, scarpinator, sobolocatel [dont ask :|=))]

Ciprian: alintata, simpatica, visatoare

Vlad: mica, naiva, matura

Milly: cuddly, complicated, perv

[va urma]