I joined the sinful to regain innocence


Vezi tu, se intampla sa te bantuie vise moarte iar intunericul sa mai aduca o pastiluta.Luminite albastre.Norii nostri.Iti amintesti? Eu nu.Nu vreau sa stiu.Eram prea speriata si te’am uitat...si cafeanea,oamenii, muffinul cu ciocolata..si panoul care palpaia “lended”.Nu uitasem?! [incet-incet pastilutele isi pierd din culori iar eu te voi mai trada inca odata.Poate ar trebui sa plec.Gunoaiele trebuie sa stea langa cele ca ele.pune’ma la plasti..[..]

Gandurile se intrerup de flashbackuri necronometrate, alearga spre infinit si explodeaza in mii de discutii si amintiri si zambete si nopti uitate de tine si de noi.Am picaturi reci pe frunte.Tine’ma de mana.Era noapte si telefonul nu se mai oprea din sunat.Aveai volnase la […]

Sunt sigura ca de data asta cineva a umblat aici si le’a schimbat.Nu.Sunt sigura ca erau rosii.Sau poate verzi?! Peretii ameninta sa ma sfarame in praf de vise si hartie de felicitare.Palpaie luminite.Iese prea repede din noi dar inlocuim repede repede cu praf de fericire.Mai repede.Nisipul asta zambitor incepe sa ma paraseacsa ianinte de vreme.Picaturile de pe frunte pica pe gene si totul devine..[..]

Alerg.Ma tii de mana.Mai stii cat am vrut la plaja? Si nisipul?! Asta nu e fericit.

HALUCINÁȚI//E ~i f. 1) Stare psihică patologică sub imperiul caruia cineva percepe lucruri inexistente in realitate. Imagine vizuală bizară, produsă de o asemenea stare; iluzie; himeră; vedenie. [G.-D. halucinației; Sil. -ți-e] /<fr. Hallucination. Micul meu dejun.Miere si vedenii intortocheate.

Regrete uitate.Urlete interpretate.Explicatii.Terminate?! Ochii nu vad, telefonul inca suna iar luminite sar sotronul in subconstientul tau.

Da.Sigur cineva a schimbat borcanele de data asta.Erau ver [..]?

[pune’ma la plastic]

[iti mai amintesti?!] [What the hell are u talking about?!]

U-turn [ and you.you should have killed me when u had the chance]

Si uite asa in mai putin de 7 zile [de ce 7?!] se destrama povesti si imprastie foi din cartea noastra. Mi-au mai ramas 2 felicitari legate cu panglica ; un prieten si un cantec in care i-am regasit cuvintele intr’o noapte.
He used to say we’re so much like and I’ve always blushed of pride at the thought I could have anything of your deepest blue. It started out as a feeling which then grew into a hope.Which then turned into a quiet thought.Which then turned into a quiet word.And then that word grew louder and louder..'til it was a battle cry.i'll come back when it s over.no need to say goodbye[I've never been able to say goodbye.Not then and definately not now]<

["You know there's still a place for people like us
The same blood runs in every hand
You see its not the wings that makes the angel
Just have to move the bats out of your head "]

Happy day

Well, i don’t really know how to start, but now that i think about u, there are a thousand nice words floating through my mind.I wish i could take them all and stick them onto the paper for you.
There are many things to say about him.I could say he’s smart,a music genious, a cinnamon’s fan or that he has a lovely smile but it would be pointless.He’s more that my best friend; always picking me up when i was about to fall, and hiding me safe inside in his pocket. ^^ Today's been 2 years since he stands all my childish games and annoying worries. And nineteen years ago he was just a baby crying his little heart out, definatley not a punk and with no idea how he’s gonna change my life in future. Happy birthday >:D< >:D<>:D<
Many things changed since that summer day, but nothing will tear us apart <3

Oph, and if u ever need help, just scream "hey you" [trust ur heart]