Bloody strawberry

It seems like I've got a new hobby. 

I like eating hearts like strawberries.


Saddest video ever [hey you..]

..I cherish my loss, a gentle reminder that life is unkind at the best of times

Cheers! ^.^

To Fall in Love and Fall in Debt

"To alcohol and cigarettes 

And Mary Jane 

To keep me insane

Doing someone else's cocaine"


[And i really couldn't care less]

"Lordy, Lordy, Lordy I can't help it i like to party it's genetic. It's electrifying

You might need a break from the real life [Get a life!]"

"Delfin luminã orizont liniste furtunã despãrtire somn

Albastru cersetor destin rãtãcire suflet coroanã chin

Uitare lacrimã copil obosealã tremur prevestire har

Speranþã judecatã scrum asteptare zâmbet credintã drum

Desertaciune stele foc întuneric înger nemurire nimic

Cãlãtorie univers moleculã dor infinïiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"

So, I'm not gonna say  Happy b-day for you eighteen, 'cuz i want u 2 to stay like this forever. Congrats for your never ending 17, Miri and Gabitza <



Stie ca s’a pierdut, undeva pe drum. Ceea ce nu stie este unde incepea si se termina totusi drumul ei. Ii e dor sa se piarda pe munte dar sa nu fie speriata, pentru ca stia ce cineva o va cauta. Si de vremea cand drumul de la meditatii de 5 minute i se parea o vesnicie, sa fie entuziasmata data cand a ascultat hey there dellilah, sa isi uite ghiozdanul in parc, sa intarzie la teatru, sa ii tremure picioarele pe scena, sa nu stie cum merg metrourile la Eroilor, sa piarda ore intregi in Parculetul Operei sau sa fie mai usor de impresionat. Si totusi nu e nostalgica, e un doar un gol inconjurat de zambete care intreaba unde s’a aflat in ultimii ani. Sau cand a inceput. SI totusi cand s’a terminat. Dar ei i’au spus ca asa va fi.. ca nu va mai inrosi asa des, nu se va mai bucura la fiecare pub descoperit si nu va mai fi trista din nimicuri . Nici macar nu va fi necesar sa pretinda indiferenta, pentru ca stie ca e acolo acum si nu va mai pleca prea curand.. Ei au avut dreptate. In schimb a inteles in sfarsit ca unele lucruri nu au nevoie de explicatii ca sa fie gresite. Iar in melodia asta sta ascuns un festival si o intreaga primavara. Still, like Arw says „it feels damn good to be back” ^.^ 

Last monologue in two [It's ok now]

Im freezing.

Then why are you here? I wish I could tell you that kind of thing that would warm you heart..

And why are one nights loves so perfect anywayz?! Because you don’t have time to find any missing piece or...

 But I love you.

I would have needed some love advice..It’s just like the know.

Are you even listening?!

And your promises went hallow, as you threw me to the ground.

Just like the the song.

Dont you think there are too many things alike? It drives me crazy..

Why are you never listening.. ?! I've told you so many times.

But I love you.  I thought you knew.

I just wish it would stop spinning. I can’t catch my breath. Can i draw a hero?

Don’t worry, there are just water colors.

Hey, do you remember  the science of the dreams?

Remember what?

There were to many tries!!!

I should delete them..Lies?!

I wish i could tell you what i want without hurting you. I never wanted to hurt you.

It hurts.

It hurts me when you’re hurt. You were so right..

I miss us.Why am i even speaking alone?!

Will you be here when i wake up?

It’s ok now.

Profile Playlist by Dreamy loop="infinite">


As you may found out,  Avenged Sevenfold's drummer, Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan  was found dead a few days ago, on Monday Dec 28. .

Great loss for everyone..he was one of the best. Rest in peace :(